Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Now more than ever.

On January, 20, 1993, Maya Angelou spoke these words at the Bill Clinton inauguration and they ring truer this morning than ever before:

Here on the pulse of this new day
You may have the grace to look up and out
And into your sister's eyes, into
Your brother's face, your country
And say simply
Very simply
With hope
Good morning.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Retreat. Return.

Hello, blog.

I've missed you.

Let's talk, why not?


Tuesday, October 7, 2008


It's over.

I'm over it.

Let's start over.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Everyone was talking about the streak of the Red Sox beating the Angels 11 consecutive times in the playoffs.


That's two sweeps, '04 and '07, and one heart breaker in '86.

That's all everyone cared about.

But after last night everyone in Boston had to swallow that lump in their throat and remember:

The Angels had beaten Boston six times in a row during this season.

At Fenway.

Yeah, that streak, Boston.



Baseball fans are horribly superstitious.

You know how much?

The first two games the Angels lost I was at home. Not wearing my Angels cap.

So I wear the cap all day today and watch the game away from home and they win.


Friday, October 3, 2008

Ew. Sorta.

I remembered that one of the few songs I learned how to play on guitar early on was that stupidly catchy SR-71, yeah remember them?, song "Right Now."

I guess it's more of a confession. The song pretty much blows. But it's catchy.

Now, "Closing Time" that's a song you could really sink your teeth into.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Game 1.

Boston 4 - Angels 1

It hurts. But I'm used to it.

This is far from over.

Bring on Friday.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Drive-By Politics

As I drove down Sunset Blvd. on Friday evening during the debate.

In front of the new CNN building.

I saw this.

There's still hope.

Don't give up on this just yet.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

So yeah....

I just realized I was reading Variety in Middle School.

I belong here.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fashion. Fashout.

While happily talking with one of the interns I worked with a few weeks ago I came across the fact that she had worked in the fashion industry in the Newest of Yorks.

She had recently moved to Southern California to check out the film industry.
Side Note: I love hearing what people who are originally from outside Southern California think about the place. Before, During, and After their experiences here.

To my dismay she informed me that New Yorker's didn't have the most pleasant view of Southern California fashion. At first I was okay with the fact. I mean, I'd say the same fucking thing about New York. Them with their massive public transit system and two overrated baseball teams. And their state looks funny.

But what hurt was when she told me what she thought was California fashion. They weren't taking into consideration the fashion in the streets. The trends that we were reveling in. No.

They were looking at "Hollywood".

Not Silverlake or Los Feliz or Echo Park.

They were looking at TMZ's version of Hollywood. The Hollywood that's littered with douchebags and wannabe's. The people desperately grasping at their last strings of relevancy in an ever changing city and industry.

To the few eyes I've talked to Southern California, or more appropriately L.A. , fashion was Ed Hardy.

My heart sunk.

Ed Hardy is everything that's wrong with Los Angeles. A shallow trend that is followed by people who think they know what's "In".

Just like Von Dutch, it is nothing but another crappy brand commandeered by celebrities that will wear anything that's free. And just look who wears Ed Hardy or wore Von Dutch a few years ago.

It's the last thing that should represent Los Angeles. And God forbid it represent Soutnern California.

It's no coincidence that Ed Hardy is in the same spot as Von Dutch on Melrose.

L.A. Fashion has been desecrated by those two brands.

Melrose is a great indicator as to what's really being worn and what belongs to some over-tanned douchebag.

Los Angeles and Orange County have a wonderfully diverse fashion culture that goes mostly ignored by the rest of the country.

Crooks & Castles.
The Hundreds.

KidRobot (Ok, from NY but just as LA).
Paul Frank.
American Apparel.

None of those brands needed celebrities to push it beyond it's hangers. They didn't need over-tanned asses and fake-tittied women in clubs or red carpet premieres.

California needs to make a fashion statement to the country and to the world soon.

It isn't just a lame graphic on a T-shirt. Or a stupidly wandering embroidery on a shirt.

California has a philosophy when it comes to good fashion. And maybe the reason it doesn't catch on is because only the douchebags get camera time.

This is the state that was built on skateboarding, surfing, and punk rock.

Those things changed our country and youth in one way or another. Each one was new and have remained staples in our culture.

And for anyone that says " a trend is a trend either way you look at it." Yes, trends are trends. They are ever-changing. Evolving.

Look at yourself. You're either changing with the trends. Following your own. Or stuck in one.

Being stuck isn't bad. But recognize that you are following a trend. Even if it's stalled.

The '60s aren't coming back. No matter how hard we wish.

Neither are the '80s. No matter how hard we try against it.

But we can pay small tributes to them here and there, mixed in with our new current fashion.

Fashion is philosophy. It may be superficial but everything you wear represents one.

You may hate those hipsters. But remember they're wearing California. Be aware that it's unique to us and don't be so dismissive next time...even though they might be to you...*shrugs*

But if you see a guy with Ed Hardy or Von Dutch. Or an over-embroidered shirt or jeans. Punch him.

And don't even get me started on that "Affliction" shit.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

No You're Not.

Anyone who describes themselves as "outgoing" is a fucking putz.

And thinking you're vocabulary is above average by using the word "conceited" also earns you a kick in the liver.

It's time we let go of the 7th Grade Weekly Vocabulary List words, kids.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Space Dedicated To Words.

Hey, first real blog post.

No more MySpace for me...unless it's about something lame.

Then it's back to MySpace.

Welcome, friends. Enemies. Oligarchs. Rebels. Puppies.